Monday, August 1, 2016

Japanese Senryu Poem Haiku Poem Tanka Poem in English by Seiji Ninomiya

Japanese Senryu Poem (No Season Word 3 Lines)

We're unhappy
Deflation may come soon
Who improves?

Ms. Yuriko Koike   (New Tokyo Governor)
Can she make bright Tokyo?
People hope so.

Shinzo Abe   (Japanese Prime Minister)
His heart isn't simple
Many big problems there

Japanese Haiku poem  (Season word 3 lines)

Season words Comet

Hi Comet
Where go?
Tell me your trip

Season word Melon

Do you love melon?
Your eyes YES.
Your Smile YES.

Season word The Milky Way

The Milky Way
Let's go someday
Our honey moon

Japanese Tanka Poem (5 lines)

Even though we're old
But when I talk with you.
About love
Our heart turn to young
As 20- year-old

My favorite old songs
Still shine
In my heart
When I listen
So excitng

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