Monday, August 1, 2016

Japanese Senryu Poem Japanese Haiku Poem Tanka Poem in English.

Japanese Senryu Poem (No season word 3 lines)

Sumo Grand Champion Chiyonofuji
Just he is walking to Heaven
He died yesterday

A female candidate is chosen
Her name is Yuriko Koike
New Tokyo Governor

Kingdom of Toyota automobile company
So strong
It has many child company

Japanese haiku Poem (season word 3 lines)

*Season word is Summer

Summer rain dropped
One humid evening

*Season word is Wind-bell(Summer)

The sound of wind-bell
So nice
My heart calm down

*Season word is Goldfish(Summer)

Hi Goldfish
Do you need a lover?
I can find

Tanka Poem(5 lines)

Our love near end
I must say good-bye
But good memories remain
Memories of you and I
in summer days

Once upon a time
many dreams existed
Big dreams Big hopes
But nowadays Japan
No dreams No hopes

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